Monday, October 28, 2013

Seems a Little Sketchy + QKR Stampede + The Paper Cut = FUN

We are celebrating reaching the *50* sketches mark at Seems a Little Sketchy and QKR Stampede is joining us in the fun-they are offering 5 free digis to the winner! 
Here is the sketch and you can see there are so many possibilities for layouts~ because of the busy pattern, I decided to make my blocks in solid cardstock colors.  For that, I went to my "Go to" supplier, The Paper Cut.  The following 80 lb. cardstock Basis colors were used: Gold, Lt. Brown, Brown, Dk. Orange, and Red.  They match the plaid I used just perfectly. They also have a subtle texure to them-a feature I love.  The digi that I got to use was this adorable crow and pig- great Fall look I think and I knew the perfect sentiment to use-"CAWS" for the outside and Happy Birthday for the inside!
Come join us for the next 2 weeks for a chance to win some free digis and a whole lot of fun!


  1. Replies
    1. It's good to see you on here!!!! Glad you like it! Miss ya!

  2. OM Gosh - this is soooo cute! What a great sentiment with this image. Super fun card! Hugz!
