Friday, September 9, 2016

DT Call at All Dressed Up for their Blog Challenge DT AND the Facebook DT!

 There's currently a DT Call over at All Dressed Up and that's so exciting for several people!!  There are actually 2 Teams: Blog Challenge DT (what I'm looking for) but also the Facebook DT!  I'd wanted to share 3 cards that I previously made using an All Dressed Up Images: One image is called "I Love My Puppy" , "Mirror Mirror", and "Amore" is the last one.  They have such adorable digis to choose from and if you need an image, several freebies to color up and join in!  Can you tell I like using the images they have? I'm planning on submitting one of the cards for consideration for the monthly post that's required and hope that you will do the same. Good Luck!


  1. Hi Carolyn - Can you drop me an email please DT All Dressed up xx

    1. Hey Rachael, I sent an email yesterday and it came back undeliverable but have sent another one this morning-hopefully you will get that one! Looking forward to talking with you!

    2. Hi Carolyn - try my Hotmail - (the 00 is two zeros) or if you are on Facebook - look up the All dressed up group and join, and I can PM you x

    3. This is crazy isn't it? I forwarded on to your hot mail account but, I joined the group around 8 months ago so am in the members section if that will help. I noticed this afternoon that the 2nd email is being held in the Queue for some reason.
